1:Before building your blog you should keep the following in mind:
Before starting a blog you must think , Is "Blogging is right for you". There are any factors you should consider for this and it is the first step for becoming a successful blogger. The factors include:
a}Become a good surfer of internet
A good blogger will surf the internet. you should do the same so that you can view other blogs,websites and you will know how to write articles and how to attract visitors to become your blog subscribers.
b}Teach yourself to improve english skills
Learn how to write the posts to attract visitors.
2:Choosing a right Blogging software
There are many blogging softwares, Some are free and some cost you.You should choose which one best suites your need. Choose from one of the softwares:
If you want a free blog, you can get it from wordpress.They will give you hosting and a subdomain like www.yourname.wordpress.com .. But you cannot place advertaising on this free blog, you can't upload new plugins or themes,widgets. If you want all these features, then you should buy webspace and install wordpress software which is free and is available at www.wordpress.org .
Blogger is a free software and easy to write posts in it.Many websites are offering free blogger templates and you can choose from them.You are given many widgets in blogger.Easy to use all of them. You can also include your domain name than using www.yourname.blogspot.com .You can also place google adsense advertaising ads directly.
Unlike other blogging software TypePad is not free.You have to pay money for using it and they provide the hosting for your blog.
You can choose blogger if you want free blog with all features. If you want great blogging experiance and you can spend money for hosting and domain, then choose worpress although free wordpress is there only you can express feelings in your blog not more than that.